Transparency Tool usability test - July 2023
The DUL Racial Equity Roadmap was developed in 2020 and has been used to guide strategic actions around racial equity over the last few years. The Report Recommendations Transparency Tool (or R2T2) was developed by the Racial Justice Strategy Task Force to keep track of specific recommendations related to DEI initiatives in the Libraries. The latest version of this tool was a spreadsheet that summarized these recommendations and any progress updates, but the format of the file didn’t seem like a good fit for staff who have to update the contents or who want to learn more about these initiatives. Transparency is the result of converting R2T2 into an interactive website. This study was conducted during Transparency’s active development phase, with the goal of collecting usability data prior to a staff-wide public launch. This usability study was performed by Sarah Dwyer and Jimmy McKinnell, two Assessment and User Experience summer practicum students from UNC’s School of Information and Library Science. These sessions occurred via individual Zoom sessions across two days, July 6 and July 11, 2023.
McKinnell, Jimmy, and Sarah Dwyer (2023). Transparency Tool usability test - July 2023. Retrieved from