Comparing Predictive Accuracy in the Presence of a Loss Function Shape Parameter
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We develop tests for out-of-sample forecast comparisons based on loss functions that contain shape parameters. Examples include comparisons using average utility across a range of values for the level of risk aversion, comparisons of forecast accuracy using characteristics of a portfolio return across a range of values for the portfolio weight vector, and comparisons using recently-proposed “Murphy diagrams” for classes of consistent scoring rules. An extensive Monte Carlo study verifies that our tests have good size and power properties in realistic sample sizes, particularly when compared with existing methods which break down when then number of values considered for the shape parameter grows. We present three empirical illustrations of the new test.
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Barendse, S, and AJ Patton (2021). Comparing Predictive Accuracy in the Presence of a Loss Function Shape Parameter. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. pp. 1–13. 10.1080/07350015.2021.1896527 Retrieved from
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Andrew J. Patton
Patton’s research interests lie in financial econometrics, with an emphasis on forecasting volatility and dependence, forecast evaluation methods, high frequency financial data, and the analysis of hedge funds and mutual funds. His research has appeared in a variety of academic journals, including the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Econometrica, Journal of Econometrics, and the Journal of the American Statistical Association. He has given hundreds of invited seminars around the world, at universities, central banks, and other institutions. A complete list of his current and past research is available at:
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