Clinical and radiation risk across one million patients in Computed Tomography: influence of age, size, and race
Purpose. We recently developed a mathematical model to balance radiation risk and clinical risk, namely the risk of misdiagnosis due to insufficient image quality. In this work, we applied this model to a population of one million CT imaging cases to evaluate the risk stratification with different ages, sexes, and races.
Materials and Methods. The demographics were informed by literature and census information simulating a clinical liver cancer population. The Total Risk (TR) was calculated as the linear combination of radiation risk and clinical risk. The model included factors for the radiation burden for different age and sex; the prevalence of the disease; the false positive rate; the expected life-expectancy loss for an incorrect diagnosis for different ages, sex, and race; and a typical false positive rate of 5%. It was assumed that each case received an average radiologist interpretative performance of 0.75 AUC for a hypothetical lesion without any changes in radiation dose beyond routine practice. We further, for each patient, simulated 2,000 imaging conditions with CTDIvol varying from 0.1 and 200 mGy with 0.1 mGy increments. Per each CTDIvol value, the anticipated AUC was calculated by applying the established asymptotic relationships between CTDIvol and image quality. The AUC distribution was then used to calculate the theoretical minimum total risk (TRmin) per each patient.
Results. For the routine practice, the median theoretical total risk was estimated to be 0.058 deaths per 100 patients (range: 0.002 – 0.154) comprising of the median radiation risk of 0.009 (range: 0.001 – 0.069), and of the median clinical risk of 0.049 (range: 7.0x10-5 – 0.094). Considering the varying scanner output conditions, the median TRmin was 0.054 deaths per 100 patients for White male patients, 0.054 for Blacks, 0.057 for Hispanics, and 0.065 for Asians. For female patients, the median TRmin values were 0.049, 0.056, 0.054, and 0.061 deaths per 100 patients, respectively.
Conclusion. For each demography condition, the clinical risk was found to largely outweigh the radiation risk by at least 500%. Total risk showed different stratifications with patient age and race.
Clinical Relevance Statement. To optimize CT conditions for specific patients and/or population, both radiation risk and clinical risks should be all accounted for together with demographic information. We demonstrated a methodology that allows a complete depiction of total risk in CT, considering radiation and clinical risks at comparable units, and patient demographic.

Francesco Ria
Dr. Francesco Ria is a medical physicist and he serves as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Radiology. Francesco has an extensive expertise in the assessment of procedure performances in radiology. In particular, his research activities focus on the simultaneous evaluation of radiation dose and image quality in vivo in computed tomography providing a comprehensive evaluation of radiological exams. Moreover, Francesco is developing and investigating novel mathematical models that, uniquely in the radiology field, can incorporate a comprehensive and quantitative risk-to-benefit assessment of the procedures; he is continuing to apply his expertise towards the definition of new patient specific risk metrics, and in the assessment of image quality in vivo also using state-of-the-art imaging technology, such as photon counting computed tomography scanners, and machine learning reconstruction algorithms.
Dr. Ria is a member of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine task group 392 (Investigation and Quality Control of Automatic Exposure Control System in CT), of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine Public Education working group (WGATE), and of the Italian Association of Medical Physics task group Dose Monitoring in Diagnostic Imaging.

Alaattin Erkanli
Areas of research interests include Bayesian hierarchical models for longitudinal data, Bayesian optimal designs, finite mixtures and Mixtures of Dirichlet Processes, Markov transition models, nonparametrics smoothing and density estimation, survival analysis for recurrent-event data, biomarker selection and detecting early ovarian cancer.

Ehsan Abadi
Ehsan Abadi, PhD is an imaging scientist at Duke University. He serves as an Associate Professor in the departments of Radiology and Electrical & Computer Engineering, a faculty member in the Medical Physics Graduate Program and Carl E. Ravin Advanced Imaging Laboratories, and a co-Lead in the Center for Virtual Imaging Trials. Ehsan’s research focuses on quantitative imaging and optimization, computational human modeling, medical imaging simulation, and CT imaging in cardiothoracic and musculoskeletal applications. He is actively involved in developing computational anthropomorphic models with various diseases such as COPD, and scanner-specific simulation platforms (e.g., DukeSim) for imaging systems. Currently, his work is centered on identifying and optimizing imaging systems to ensure accurate and precise quantifications of lung and bone diseases.
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