Microevolution of Serial Clinical Isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii and C. gattii.


The pathogenic species of Cryptococcus are a major cause of mortality owing to severe infections in immunocompromised as well as immunocompetent individuals. Although antifungal treatment is usually effective, many patients relapse after treatment, and in such cases, comparative analyses of the genomes of incident and relapse isolates may reveal evidence of determinative, microevolutionary changes within the host. Here, we analyzed serial isolates cultured from cerebrospinal fluid specimens of 18 South African patients with recurrent cryptococcal meningitis. The time between collection of the incident isolates and collection of the relapse isolates ranged from 124 days to 290 days, and the analyses revealed that, during this period within the patients, the isolates underwent several genetic and phenotypic changes. Considering the vast genetic diversity of cryptococcal isolates in sub-Saharan Africa, it was not surprising to find that the relapse isolates had acquired different genetic and correlative phenotypic changes. They exhibited various mechanisms for enhancing virulence, such as growth at 39°C, adaptation to stress, and capsule production; a remarkable amplification of ERG11 at the native and unlinked locus may provide stable resistance to fluconazole. Our data provide a deeper understanding of the microevolution of Cryptococcus species under pressure from antifungal chemotherapy and host immune responses. This investigation clearly suggests a promising strategy to identify novel targets for improved diagnosis, therapy, and prognosis.IMPORTANCE Opportunistic infections caused by species of the pathogenic yeast Cryptococcus lead to chronic meningoencephalitis and continue to ravage thousands of patients with HIV/AIDS. Despite receiving antifungal treatment, over 10% of patients develop recurrent disease. In this study, we collected isolates of Cryptococcus from cerebrospinal fluid specimens of 18 patients at the time of their diagnosis and when they relapsed several months later. We then sequenced and compared the genomic DNAs of each pair of initial and relapse isolates. We also tested the isolates for several key properties related to cryptococcal virulence as well as for their susceptibility to the antifungal drug fluconazole. These analyses revealed that the relapsing isolates manifested multiple genetic and chromosomal changes that affected a variety of genes implicated in the pathogenicity of Cryptococcus or resistance to fluconazole. This application of comparative genomics to serial clinical isolates provides a blueprint for identifying the mechanisms whereby pathogenic microbes adapt within patients to prolong disease.






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Publication Info

Chen, Yuan, Rhys A Farrer, Charles Giamberardino, Sharadha Sakthikumar, Alexander Jones, Timothy Yang, Jennifer L Tenor, Omar Wagih, et al. (2017). Microevolution of Serial Clinical Isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii and C. gattii. MBio, 8(2). 10.1128/mBio.00166-17 Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10161/13927.

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Jennifer L Tenor

Assistant Professor in Medicine

Thomas Greenfield Mitchell

Associate Professor Emeritus in Molecular Genetics and Microbiology

Among patients with AIDS, leukemia or other cancers, organ or bone marrow transplants, and similar immunocompromising risk factors, the incidence of opportunistic mycoses and the number of different fungal pathogens are increasing dramatically. For many of these fungi, the definition of a species and the recognition of pathogen are highly problematic. Conventional methods of identification are based on morphological and physiological characteristics and are often time-consuming, difficult to interpret, and inconsistent. This laboratory is using DNA-based methods to (i) identify fungal pathogens, (ii) resolve taxonomic issues, (iii) facilitate epidemiological studies, (iv) recognize strains with clinically relevant phenotypes, such as resistance to antifungal drugs, (v) elucidate the origin(s) of diversity and the population genetics of the major pathogens, and (vi) explore functional genomics to identify virulence factors. We have developed reliable methods to genotype strains and are analyzing gene sequences to clarify the phylogeny of controversial taxa.

To conduct rigorous population studies of Candida albicans, we developed single-locus markers based on polymorphisms of PCR products. Genotypic frequencies and segregation patterns at these loci have confirmed that C. albicans is diploid and suggest that some form of recombination occurs in this "asexual" yeast. To investigate whether separate populations of C. albicans exist in disparate geographical locations, we compared strains collected from healthy and HIV-infected persons in U.S. and Brazil. Although a number of different genotypes were recognized at each location, the same multilocus genotype was prevalent among the clinical isolates, indicating a remarkable homogeneity among these populations.

We are using DNA-based methods to compare global isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans from patients with AIDS and other sources, to analyze the distribution and relatedness of strains, to identify genotypes of clinical importance, and to create linkage map of this pathogen. To determine the source of C. neoformans in patients, we developed a genetic markers to investigate the structure of clinical and environmental populations. With analysis of quantitative trait loci, specific genotypes will be identified that represent clones that have significantly diverged with respect to clinically relevant phenotypes, including susceptibility to antifungal drugs and the expression of virulence factors. We are investigating genomic evolution and phenotypic variation in natural populations of C. neoformans. These approaches will correlate genotypes with pathobiological phenotypes, leading to beneficial and predictive information about the epidemiology, diagnosis and prognosis of cryptococcosis in patients with AIDS.

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