Neurophysiology of Visual-Motor Learning during a Simulated Marksmanship Task in Immersive Virtual Reality


© 2018 IEEE. Immersive virtual reality (VR) systems offer flexible control of an interactive environment, along with precise position and orientation tracking of realistic movements. Immersive VR can also be used in conjunction with neurophysiological monitoring techniques, such as electroencephalography (EEG), to record neural activity as users perform complex tasks. As such, the fusion of VR, kinematic tracking, and EEG offers a powerful testbed for naturalistic neuroscience research. In this study, we combine these elements to investigate the cognitive and neural mechanisms that underlie motor skill learning during a multi-day simulated marksmanship training regimen conducted with 20 participants. On each of 3 days, participants performed 8 blocks of 60 trials in which a simulated clay pigeon was launched from behind a trap house. Participants attempted to shoot the moving target with a firearm game controller, receiving immediate positional feedback and running scores after each shot. Over the course of the 3 days that individuals practiced this protocol, shot accuracy and precision improved significantly while reaction times got significantly faster. Furthermore, results demonstrate that more negative EEG amplitudes produced over the visual cortices correlate with better shooting performance measured by accuracy, reaction times, and response times, indicating that early visual system plasticity underlies behavioral learning in this task. These findings point towards a naturalistic neuroscience approach that can be used to identify neural markers of marksmanship performance.






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David Zielinski

AR/VR Technology Specialist

David J. Zielinski is currently a technology specialist for the Duke University OIT Co-Lab (2021-present). Previously the Department of Art, Art History & Visual Studies (2018-2020) and the DiVE Virtual Reality Lab (video) (2004-2018), under the direction of Regis Kopper (2013-2018), Ryan P. McMahan (2012), and Rachael Brady (2004-2012). He received his bachelors (2002) and masters (2004) degrees in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he worked on a suite of virtual reality musical instruments (video) under the guidance of Bill Sherman. He is an experienced VR/AR software developer, researcher, and educator. 


Marc A. Sommer

Professor of Biomedical Engineering

We study circuits for cognition. Using a combination of neurophysiology and biomedical engineering, we focus on the interaction between brain areas during visual perception, decision-making, and motor planning. Specific projects include the role of frontal cortex in metacognition, the role of cerebellar-frontal circuits in action timing, the neural basis of "good enough" decision-making (satisficing), and the neural mechanisms of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).


Boyla Octavie Mainsah

Assistant Research Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Leslie M. Collins

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Leslie M. Collins earned the BSEE degree from the University of Kentucky, and the MSEE, and PhD degrees from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. From 1986 through 1990 she was a Senior Engineer at Westinghouse Research and Development Center in Pittsburgh, PA. She joined Duke in 1995 as an Assistant Professor and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2002 and to Professor in 2007. Her research interests include physics-based statistical signal processing, subsurface sensing, auditory prostheses and pattern recognition. She is a member of the Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, and Eta Kappa Nu honor societies. Dr. Collins has been a member of the team formed to transition MURI-developed algorithms and hardware to the Army HSTAMIDS and GSTAMIDS landmine detection systems. She has been the principal investigator on research projects from ARO, NVESD, SERDP, ESTCP, NSF, and NIH. Dr. Collins was the PI on the DoD UXO Cleanup Project of the Year in 2000. As of 2015, Dr. Collins has graduated 15 PhD students.

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