Evolving concepts in pelvic fixation in adult spinal deformity surgery


Long-segment adult spinal deformity (ASD) constructs carry a high risk of mechanical complications. Pelvic fixation was introduced to improve distal construct mechanics and has since become the standard for long constructs spanning the lumbosacral junction. Pelvic fixation strategies have evolved substantially over the years. Numerous techniques now use a variety of entry points, screw trajectories, and construct configurations. We review the various strategies for pelvic fixation in ASD in a systematic review of the literature and update the techniques employed in the International Spine Study Group Complex Adult Deformity Surgery database.






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Publication Info

Turner, JD, AJ Schupper, PV Mummaneni, JS Uribe, RK Eastlack, GM Mundis, PG Passias, JD DiDomenico, et al. (2023). Evolving concepts in pelvic fixation in adult spinal deformity surgery. Seminars in Spine Surgery. pp. 101060–101060. 10.1016/j.semss.2023.101060 Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10161/29444.

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Peter Passias

Instructor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

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