Race and sex differences in dropout from the STRRIDE trials.
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To determine if race and sex differences exist in determinants and timing of dropout among individuals enrolled in an exercise and/or caloric restriction intervention.Methods
A total of 947 adults with dyslipidemia (STRRIDE I, STRRIDE AT/RT) or prediabetes (STRRIDE-PD) were randomized to either inactive control or to 1 of 10 exercise interventions, ranging from doses of 8-23 kcal/kg/week, intensities of 50%-75% V˙O2 peak, and durations of 6-8 months. Two groups included resistance training, and one included a dietary intervention (7% weight loss goal). Dropout was defined as an individual withdrawn from the study, with the reasons for dropout aggregated into determinant categories. Timing of dropout was defined as the last session attended and aggregated into phases (i.e., "ramp" period to allow gradual adaptation to exercise prescription). Utilizing descriptive statistics, percentages were generated according to categories of determinants and timing of dropout to describe the proportion of individuals who fell within each category.Results
Black men and women were more likely to be lost to follow-up (Black men: 31.3% and Black women: 19.6%), or dropout due to work responsibilities (15.6% and 12.5%), "change of mind" (12.5% and 8.9%), transportation issues (6.3% and 3.6%), or reported lack of motivation (6.3% and 3.6%). Women in general noted lack of time more often than men as a reason for dropout (White women: 22.4% and Black women: 22.1%). Regardless of race and sex, most participants dropped out during the ramp period of the exercise intervention; with Black women (50%) and White men (37.1%) having the highest dropout rate during this period.Conclusion
These findings emphasize the importance of targeted retention strategies when aiming to address race and sex differences that exist in determinants and timing of dropout among individuals enrolled in an exercise and/or caloric restriction intervention.Type
Published Version (Please cite this version)
Publication Info
Collins, Katherine A, Kim M Huffman, Ruth Q Wolever, Patrick J Smith, Ilene C Siegler, Leanna M Ross, John M Jakicic, Paul T Costa, et al. (2023). Race and sex differences in dropout from the STRRIDE trials. Frontiers in sports and active living, 5. p. 1215704. 10.3389/fspor.2023.1215704 Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10161/29675.
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Katherine Collins
Katherine A. Collins-Bennett, PhD, NBC-HWC, is a Medical Instructor in the Department of Population Health Sciences and affiliated with the Duke Molecular Physiology Institute at Duke University School of Medicine, and is a board-certified health and wellness coach. She studies barriers and predictors of health-promoting behavior change. The ultimate goal of her translational research is to design trials to optimize health-promoting behaviors for those at risk for "relapse" or ceased behavioral modification, in order to improve long-term health and well-being.

Kim Marie Huffman
Determining the role of physical activity in modulating health outcomes (cardiovascular disease risk) in persons with rheumatologic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis)
Integrating clinical rheumatology, basic immunology, metabolism, and exercise science in order to reduce morbidity in individuals with arthritis
Evaluating relationships between circulating and intra-muscular metabolic intermediates and insulin resistance in sedentary as well as individuals engaging in regular exercise
Addressing the role of physical activity in modulating inflammation, metabolism, and functional health in aging populations

Ilene C. Siegler
My research efforts are in the area of developmental health psychology and organized around understanding the role of personality in health and disease in middle and later life.
My primary research activity is as Principal Investigator of the UNC Alumni Heart Study (UNCAHS) a prospective epidemiologic study of 5000 middle aged men and women and 1200 of their spouses that evaluates the role of personality on coronary heart disease and coronary heart disease risk, cancer, and normal aging.
As head of Cancer Prevention Research Unit , I study the role of psychological factors related to mammography behavior and estrogen replacement therapy is being studied in UNCAHS women.
Siegler, I.C., Zonderman, A.B., Barefoot, J.C., Williams, R.B., Jr., Costa, P.T., Jr., & McCrae, R. R. (1990). Predicting personality from college MMPI scores: Implications for follow-up studies in psychosomatic medicine. Psychosomatic Medicine, 52, 644-652.
Siegler, I.C., Peterson, B.L., Barefoot, J.C., & Williams, R.B. (1992). Hostility during late adolescence predicts coronary risk factors at midlife. American Journal of Epidemiology, 138(2), 146-154.
Siegler, I.C., Peterson, B.L., Barefoot, J.C., Harvin, S.H. Dahlstrom, W.G., Kaplan, B.H., Costa, P.T. Jr., & Williams, R.B. (1992). Using college alumni populations in epidemiologic research: The UNC Alumni Heart Study. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 45(11), 1243-1250.
Siegler, I.C., Dawson, D.V., & Welsh, K.A. (1994). Caregiver ratings of personality change in Alzheimer's disease patients: A replication. Psychology and Aging, 9, 464-466.
Siegler, I.C., Feaganes, J.R., & Rimer, B.K. (1995). Predictors of adoption of mammography in women under age 50. Health Psychology, 14, 274-278.

Leanna Ross
Dr. Ross's research focuses on understanding the mechanisms by which exercise interventions elicit short- and long-term cardiometabolic health benefits. As cardiometabolic disease remains the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States, the goal of her translational research is to enhance the development of evidence-based, precision exercise interventions that optimally prevent and treat disease.
Areas of Research Interest
Exercise dose-response and cardiometabolic health
Insulin action and glucose homeostasis
Legacy health benefits of exercise
Heterogeneity of response to exercise intervention
Precision lifestyle medicine
Epidemiology of physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness

William Erle Kraus
My training, expertise and research interests range from human integrative physiology and genetics to animal exercise models to cell culture models of skeletal muscle adaptation to mechanical stretch. I am trained clinically as an internist and preventive cardiologist, with particular expertise in preventive cardiology and cardiac rehabilitation. My research training spans molecular biology and cell culture, molecular genetics, and integrative human exercise physiology and metabolism. I practice as a preventive cardiologist with a focus on cardiometabolic risk and exercise physiology for older athletes. My research space has both a basic wet laboratory component and a human integrative physiology one.
One focus of our work is an integrative physiologic examination of exercise effects in human subjects in clinical studies of exercise training in normal individuals, in individuals at risk of disease (such as pre-diabetes and metabolic syndrome; STRRIDE), and in individuals with disease (such as coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure and cancer).
A second focus of my research group is exploration of genetic determinates of disease risk in human subjects. We conduct studies of early onset cardiovascular disease (GENECARD; CATHGEN), congestive heart failure (HF-ACTION), peripheral arterial disease (AMNESTI), and metabolic syndrome. We are exploring analytic models of predicting disease risk using established and innovative statistical methodology.
A third focus of my group’s work is to understand the cellular signaling mechanisms underlying the normal adaptive responses of skeletal muscle to physiologic stimuli, such as occur in exercise conditioning, and to understand the abnormal maladaptive responses that occur in response to pathophysiologic stimuli, such as occur in congestive heart failure, aging and prolonged exposure to microgravity.
Recently we have begun to investigate interactions of genes and lifestyle interventions on cardiometabolic outcomes. We have experience with clinical lifestyle intervention studies, particularly the contributions of genetic variants to interventions responses. We call this Lifestyle Medicopharmacogenetics.
exercise, skeletal muscle, energy metabolism, cell signaling, gene expression, cell stretch, heart failure, aging, spaceflight, human genetics, early onset cardiovascular disease, lifestyle medicine
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