US Patent 8191162 - Anti-Microbial Compounds Used in Garments for Water Based Activities
The invention includes compounds used to manufacture garments for use in water based activities that have a rubber, synthetic rubber, or neoprene compound. The compound is primarily polychloroprene or other suitable polymers and at least one metal of nanoparticle size. The compound composition includes a metal concentration that is sufficient to provide anti-bacterial properties that retard or eliminate bacterial growth on any surface of the composition used to produce the garment. The composition may include a sub-micron metal composition including sub-micron sized silver, zinc oxide, aluminum oxide and boron nitride particles as well as a polyol ester, wherein the thermal conductance of the aforementioned submicron composition is >350,000 W/m2° C. for a 0.001 inch layer of the aforementioned metal composition, the thermal resistance is <0.0045° C.-in2/Watt for a 0.001 inch layer of the aforementioned metal composition, and the average particle size is <0.49 microns for a <0.000020 inch layer of the aforementioned metal composition.
Grune, Guerry, and James Anonsen (2012). US Patent 8191162 - Anti-Microbial Compounds Used in Garments for Water Based Activities. Retrieved from

Guerry Grune
Guerry has authored over 50 publications and technical disclosures, as well as over 100 U.S. and international patents either pending or granted listing him as either sole or joint inventor. In 2004, Guerry began full-time activities as the Principal of, and since then has provided full Intellectual Property development for NC State University (in their Tech Transfer Office), additional Fortune 500 companies including Solvay, Praxair (now Linde), and Exponent and was appointed IP director for Cable Components Group, Ennis-Flint (formerly Flint Trading), AG Essence, and others.
In addition, US Patents 8,326,851 and 10,262,028 were granted to Dr. Grune that describe a portion of his teaching methodology on patent valuation.
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